Aquatic Invasive Species are covered in the 2013 Fishing Regulations book beginning on page 18. There are some drawings and then a list of all designated infested waters as of the time the book went to the printer. The list is updated throughout the year and the most current list is posted at http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/eco/invasives/infested_waters.pdf
Additional information, with pictures of invasives, is at http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/invasives/index.html
REMEMBER: All boaters are required to remove the plug and drain water before leaving any lake and river in Minnesota. Violators can face fines from $50 up to $1,000.
Required Actions — It’s the law!
Clean visible aquatic plants, zebra mussels, and other prohibited invasive species* off watercraft, trailers,
and equipment such as fishing poles and lures before leaving any water access. It is illegal to transport them once you leave the water access.
Drain water from boat, livewell, bilge, motor, ballast tank, and other boating equipment holding water before leaving any water access. Drain plugs must be removed from bilges and livewells at the water access. Drain plugs and all other water draining devices must remain open while trailering or transporting boats. Portable bait containers must be drained when leaving all waters. If you want to keep your live bait when leaving a lake or river, you must replace water in bait containers with tap or bottled water.
Dispose of unwanted bait, including minnows, leeches and worms, in the trash. It is illegal to release bait into a waterbody, release worms on the ground, and to release aquatic animals from one waterbody into another.
Recommended Actions — Protect our Waters
Spray, rinse, or dry boats and recreational equipment before transporting to another water body, specially after leaving zebra mussel and spiny water flea infested waters.
Do one or more of these actions:
• rinse with very hot tap water;
• spray with high-pressure;
• dry for at least 5 days.